Title of Event: Friends and Stranger
Date & Time of Event: Tuesday, December 10, 1:30 pm
Location of Event: PBS ART21
Type of event: Episode
The four different artists shown in this video, all use different art to elaborate on part of their identity. Through their work they all want to gain intimacy to people. The four different artists had very different mediums, yet they all used their art to connect to a population and broaden others view as well as their own. Another part that I find quite interesting that a couple of the artists touched on is letting people misunderstand. There is a power in leaving your art up to interpretation that makes it that much more powerful instead of explaining ur reasons for creating it, you let ur work have more effect and meaning for more people because it can take so many more meanings without a label. Art is a process instead of a creation, that gives meaning to work. At is the life that you live. What I find amazing is that what all of these artists had in common, was that they had a vision and they followed through on it, it didn’t have to be this elaborate art form or idea they just used energy and excitement to create it for everyone to relate to. Art lets you bypass today and lets you think about what it means in the future, lets you belong to a place and scale visibility to social norms, being able to collaborate with others even if you make the art alone.