Artxpose 4 Katie Pombar

Title of Event: Odette England Exhibition

Date and Time: December 3, 1:00 PM

Location: 103 Holmes Hall

Type of Event: Exhibition

Categorized as artsXpose

Artxpose 3- Katie Pombar

Title of Event: Benvenuto di Giovanni

Date and Time: Wednesday November 15 at 1 pm

Location of Event: Kress Collection

Type of Event: Walk through Gallery Exhibition

Categorized as artsXpose

Artxpose 1 Katie Pombar

Title of Event: Samek Art Museum Gallery (Prescience 2017)
Date & Time of Event: October 4 3:30 PM
Location of Event: Downtown Samek Art Gallery
Type of event: Walk Through Gallery

Categorized as artsXpose

Artxpose 2 Katie Pombar

Title of Event: Madonna and Child (ca. early 16th century)

Date & Time of Event: Sunday October 1, 4:30 PM

Location of Event: ELC third floor

Type of event: Exhibition/ Walk Through Gallery at Samek Art Museum Collection

Categorized as artsXpose

Katie Pombar- Proteus film response

This film talked a lot about radiolarians and their discovery and existence of them. Prior to this I did not really know what they were so this educated me a lot about them and how Haeckel and other historians developed and researched them. During his educational years his father wanted him to finish school and at 25 he was full of discoveries. When he first met poets and artists, he discovered a love for landscape painting and learned a lot about himself. He considered abandoning science for art which was very surprising. He did a lot of studying with shells, and he devoted himself for 10 years toward a task chasing ancestries and had identified more than three thousand new species. All art, history, and science do relate a lot and have developed and discovered many things within each other. One thing that I found the most interesting was his interest in painting landscapes and his obsession with painting rocks. I think based on his drawings and looping this into his discoveries, what can be drawn from creating these sculptures are the specifics in graphic precision and shading and the number of details in some of them are very crucial.