Jack Greene
Author: Jack Greene
Project 2 collage
Jack Greene
- A radiolarian is a series of concentric shells connected in a single crystal web. It’s a microscopic image of a single celled organism.
- I was interested in his work because he was curious about one thing and it became a live obsession to keep studying these cells and make them into art that he loved.
- This film made me think about how the relationship between arts and science is closer than we think. Art is everywhere, especially in nature. Haeckel worked in combining the two of them together to make his unique art.
- An issue that I found interesting had to do with the Mariner ship. The weather and nature had a big influence on the ship’s travels. When things would start to look down there would be storms and creatures in the waters. Soon once the storms pass the rain would come and they would get a shot at redemption.
- A conceptual implication when making a radiolarian from Haeckel’s drawings would be to take that 2D drawing and turn it into a 3D sculpture. You have to think about what it would look like in real life to get an understanding on. how you want your sculpture to come out. That can also be very challenging because you never really know how it’s going to turn out, you need a lot of practice.