Art Xpose #4

Charlotte Kenyon

Title of Event: Kress Collection

December 6, 12pm

Location: 3rd floor of ELC

For my fourth Art Xpose I got to see the displayed artwork at the Kress collection. This was a very interesting room in the Samek Museum filled with pieces of artwork, all created very long ago. I was amazed by how well the paintings held up, I only notices one with little cracks in the paint. The sculptures also held up very well, which made me wonder how they stayed that well intact. All of the pieces seemed like they were very old works of art, and the picture frames exemplified this. I really enjoyed this exhibit and was amazed by the dates of these pieces.

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Research Response and Thesis

Charlotte Kenyon

200 word response: I watched the video linked in the google charts about Dog MRI’s. This video was about a scientist who studied the activity in a Dog’s brain that is linked to rewards. The dogs went through training to learn hand signals that meant food, which is a reward for dogs. This was a very difficult subject to study, because it meant the dogs had to be completely still in the MRI machines, which even humans sometimes struggle with. After many trials, the scientist found the area of the brain focused on reward is the caudate nucleus. In the MRI, there is no physical food present, but with the hand movement signifying food is present, the dog responds emotionally to that, activating the part of the brain relating to rewards, which is then shown on the screen of the MRI. The study found that the area of a dog’s brain that lights up for reward is the same part of the brain that is activated when humans think of rewards such as money or food. This is revealing a dog’s complex thought chain, and showing that humans did not give dogs, and other animals, enough credit for their sophisticated brains. 

Thesis:  Dog’s intelligence is highly underestimated by humanity, and the continuation of extensive research on dog’s brains through MRI’s use can give more information about how their brains function. Exploration of how a dog’s brain works can apprehend more insight about which parts of the brain activate during certain responses. Ultimately, humans can learn far more about animal brains and intelligence, by acknowledging their sophisticated and complex ways of thought. 

Categorized as PROJECT 3

Art Xpose #3

Charlotte Kenyon

Title of Event: Driftpoints: The Gleaners by Maggie Cardelús

Date and Time of event: November 14 at 5pm

Location of Event: Holmes Hall

Type of Event: Exhibition

For my third ArtXpose I went to Maggie Cardelús needlepoint artwork exhibition in Holmes Hall. Her needlepoint was very detailed and an amazing representation of hard work. The needlepoint works were all very similar, depicting women working in a field. Each piece of art had almost an identical scene, but the coloration, mesh count, artistic interpretation, and size varied. They were very intricate and I learned that Maggie Cardelús experimented with a variety of hands-on approaches to make each one. In her work, she shifts this medium of work from decorative to critical. I really enjoyed seeing Cardelús’ artwork and learning about her process.

Categorized as artsXpose

Project 3 Thesis

By: Charlotte Kenyon

Dog’s intelligence is highly underestimated by humanity, and the continuation of extensive research on dog’s brains through MRI’s use can give more information about how their brains function. Exploration of how a dog’s brain works can apprehend more insight about which parts of the brain activate during certain responses. Ultimately, humans can learn far more about animal brains and intelligence, by acknowledging their sophisticated and complex ways of thought. 

Charlotte Kenyon ArtXpose 2

Title of Event: Maggie Cardelús Artist Lecture

Date & Time of Event: October 9, 2024 at 5pm

Location of Event: Holmes Hall Auditorium 

Type of event: Artist lecture

For my second ArtXpose I went to see artist Maggie Cardelús talk about all of her artwork. The talk was very intriguing and mentioned her many different stages as an artist she went through. She talked a lot about how her children play a large role in her artwork and how she has traveled to many different places to find inspiration for her projects. I found this talk very interesting and knowledgable about sculpting.

Categorized as artsXpose

Samek Museum

Charlotte Kenyon

Title of Event: Samek Museum

Date and time of event: September 27, 2024 at 11:45am

Location of event: 3rd floor of ELC

Type of event: Art Museum

1.) Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended.

For this artxpose I went to the third floor of the ELC where there is student art on display. There are a variety of paintings and drawings hung up on the walls that greatly range in color, depth, and detail. This museum was not necessarily an event, but a very interesting room filled with creative artwork. The paintings and drawings are clustered together in different groups along each wall. 

2.) Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal critical insight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you?

I thought that this museum was very interesting and impressive. There is so much variation in the artwork and it was intriguing to see all the different angles each artist took to create their final product. I am very curious about how the museum workers and artists decided what group to hang certain pieces of artwork in, because some of the groupings seem very random. I also wonder how they decide what artwork gets to be on display, and when it is time to replace certain pieces of art. With the great variety in the pieces of artwork, I interpreted them very differently. One I found very interesting was made out of oil paints and it was dark, with very little faded colors. This piece of art seemed to depict people on horses crossing a body of water. For this one I interpreted it as a depiction of war because of how dark and dreary the oil paint is. Overall, for some of the artwork presented to me I was shocked by the talent it takes to create a product that detailed. However, for other projects I was not as amazed because some seemed unfinished and others had very little detail and seemed like there was not a lot of thought put into it. 

3.) What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?

I was most impressed by the very detailed drawings and the depiction of shadows in the artwork done in pencil and pen. I was impressed by how particular and creative a piece of artwork can be in black and white. These pieces of art were very clear and neat, and I noticed a lot of effort and thought went into them. 

4.) Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?

Overall, I would rate this event a 6.
5.) Justify your rating in the question above: I would rate this museum a 6 because although it was very interesting, it did not gather my full attention. I believe that most of the artwork is very impressive and thought provoking, but overall not engaging for the audience. 

Categorized as artsXpose