Catherine Suitor- artsXpose2

Title of Event: Maggie Cardelús Artist Lecture

Date and time of event: October 9th, 5pm

Location of Event: Holmes Auditorium

Type of Event: Artist Lecture

This talk was very interesting. Maggie has had a 30 year long career so far. She explores gender and history in her art by using photographs, multi-media, and needlepoints that she buys from street markets. I also thought it was interesting how she combined art and motherhood while she was raising her children. This was because she didn’t want to leave art or her children so she merged them into her projects. She believed that this was a very effective stratagy.

Categorized as artsXpose

Catherine Suitor- artsXpose1

Title of Event: Slow Looking
Date & Time of Event: Friday October 4rd 1pm
Location of Event: Samek Art Gallery
Type of event: Exhibition

I really enjoyed the Slow Looking exhibit at the gallery. I found two art pieces really interesting, which are pictured above. I thought the drawing of the city was really impressive because it was so detailed and at such a small scale. The technique used no color, but you could tell the dimensions and shadows of the scene perfectly. I also found the drawing of the face really interesting because I think that it is a good example on how to show the shape and dimensions of a face, which is useful for our bust project. The exhibit had a very good message of using this alum’s collection to allow people to practice “slow-looking” in a world in which we consume so much media so quickly. I also liked that the exhibit was supposed to mimic the alum’s home and how he displayed his collection.

Categorized as artsXpose

Project 2- catherine suitor

Step 1:

The summer before my senior year of high school, I went white water canoeing on the St. John River in Maine for a week. I had done this many times before, but not this specific river, as it was only deep enough to paddle every 5-10 years. Paddling the first set of rapids on the river is what I chose as my experience. As we approached the rapids, I felt excited as the adrenaline and anticipation pulsed through my body. I had waited for this for 10 years as this was a very iconic river, and the five of us paddling had grown up together with the dream to get the chance to complete this trip. As we entered the rapids, I felt calm and prepared as I easily executed each stroke through the rushing and chaotic water. My best friend and I had been sharing a boat since we were 7, so despite the class 5 ranking, the rapids felt somewhat familiar. A new found feeling of independence took over as I realized that I was about to embark on my 7th week-long canoeing trip without parents, technology, and communication at the age of 17. I was so happy to be on this river with my best friends, completing yet another adventure. It would quickly become one of my favorite memories.


  • Independence
  • Excitement
  • Adventure
  • Happiness
  • Friendship
  • Dreams
  • Nature
  • Calm
  • Adrenaline
  • Community