Author: Anna Barrios
Anna Barrios – ArtsXPose #2
Anna Barrios – Project 3 Writing Assignment
Overall, in the videos I watched, I learned about animal intelligence in a variety of animals, including dogs, dolphins, monkeys, etc. In these videos, researchers in one test dolphins to see if they can recognize themselves in a mirror. Their change of behavior suggests that they understand they are looking at a reflection of themselves. Another talks about how certain animals, including dogs and monkeys, will deceive humans and other animals. This suggests that not only are they capable of complex thoughts, but that they understand others have complex thoughts as well. Another video talks about how worms are similar to humans in that they will test a number of different ways to get a leaf into a hole in the group, similar to how a human may try to fit a couch through a doorway. Another video talks about how one species of crows has the same intelligence of a 7 year old. All of these videos taught me that animals are much more intelligent than I had previously thought. They are able to analyze and solve complex problems, along with recognizing other animals and their own reflection. It was very interesting to see comparisons and similarities between how animals act and solve problems to how humans do.
Anna Barrios – Artxpose 2
Downtown Samek Art Museum
Paul Villinski – Soaring
Artxpose #1 – Anna Barrios
Title of Event: Samek Art Museum Gallery
Date & Time of Event: August 26, 2023, 11:31am
Location of Event: Downtown Samek Art Gallery
Type of event: Gallery
Proteus Movie Reflection – Anna Barrios
One thing I learned about radiolarians is that there are over 4,000 different types of them. There seem to be too many to fully understand, so it was interesting when they never really stopped discovering more. I also thought the aspect of Haeckel’s life that interested me most was his sudden change and fascination with art and painting. He hadn’t dedicated any of his life previously to painting, but after moving to study marine life, he painted landscapes for the rest of his life, and at points wanted to abandon science to devote his life to art. This film made me think differently about the relationship between art and science because you can find art in almost all things related to science, such as in these radiolarians. I think one issue mentioned in his work was that there was no separation between God, spirit, and nature. I don’t think it was wrong of him to believe this, but I think that he may have been wrong in being so firm on this belief, especially today when fewer people have devoted their lives to God. I think creating these radiolarians, will allow us to have a better understanding of the type of nature out there, and how it can be so unique, such as these that all look different.