Title of Event: Driftpoints: The Gleaners by Maggie Cardelùs
Date & Time of Event: Thursday, November 14th, 1:15 pm
Location of Event: Holmes Gallery
Type of event: Exhibition
This was such an incredible exhibition in Holmes Hall! One rarely sees needlepoint or stitch highlighted in the Fine Arts so it was special to see a feminine medium and artist supported by Bucknell. What drew my attention was that each of the needle points depicted almost the same scene but with different stitches, sizes, color palettes, and interpretations. She reinterprets an iconic scene by Jean-Francois Millet the Gleaners. The painting depicts 3 peasant women doing backbreaking farm work – responsibilities that often go overlooked and underpraised. Choosing this specific subject matter and recreating it into needlepoint creates an interesting dialogue between materiality, identity, and womanhood. It is also incredible how much detail she was able to get into the needlepoint to replicate the painting – I can only imagine how difficult it is to translate from one medium to the other.