Sakem Museum

Gracyn Finn

Title of event: Sakem Museum, Third floor of ELC

Date and time: 11:45, September 27th, 2024

Type of Event: Art museum

1.) Provide a brief detail-oriented technical description or summary of the event you attended.

For this Artxpose, I walked around through the Sakem Museum here at Bucknell and got to enjoy all of the art made by different students here. There were a ton of framed pieces of art and all had unique qualities that individualized each one. 

2.) Use the section below to write a well-structured paragraph focusing on your personal criticalinsight / response to the event. How did you interpret or react to what was presented to you?

While walking through the Sakem Art Museum I enjoyed taking my time and walking through the room at my own pace getting to think about the art I was looking at. I noticed how they weren’t titled which was interesting for the pieces that were more unclear, because I was able to have my own interpretation of the art. I also noticed how all of the different pieces of art were very different and varied in their composition. Some were photos, some were watercolors, paint, acrylic, and pencil, and some I was unsure what the artist used which I found interesting. While walking through, and seeing the various pieces, made me wonder how they decided to group the pieces and how they are displayed. From an outside perspective, it looks almost random, but I wonder if there was a certain thought process and purpose behind how the pieces were grouped together. I also wonder how often they replace this art, and how they decide what will be displayed. Some art pieces look like they vary in the culture behind them. One piece that stood out to me was one with a man surrounded by Chinese characters and symbols. Some pieces are very modern looking with clean shapes and colors while others are messy scribbles.

3.) What information, ideas, images, etc. most impressed you and why?

I am most impressed by how each piece of art is so different and how you can clearly tell that almost every piece was made by a different artist. There was two pieces that were next to each other and looked like they used the same material and similar qualities but the image was the same. I think it is interesting that I interpret the two pieces as being made by the same person. 

4.) Overall, how would you rate this event (10 being the most worthwhile)?


5.) Justify your rating in the question above:

I did enjoy this Museum and I liked taking my time walking through because it was empty while I was there. I am looking forward to attending an event so that I can hear what the speaker has to say and learn new things about art that I don’t know.

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