Month: December 2024
Esme’s Artxpose 3
Title of Event: The Kress Collection
Date & Time of Event: Monday, December 9th, 2:16 pm
Location of Event: The Samek Museum
Type of event: Exhibition
This exhibition is medieval and renaissance are from the Kress Foundation. This exhibition highlights the realism that was very prominent in this time period. These pieces are in good condition still and highlight the exceptional attention to detail and proficiency of the artists. The frames are greatly adorned, and there is a prominence of gold in the works and on the frames. This exhibition shows a time of great flourishing culture, because they were able to have an artisan class, there had to be economic stability and peace. This room really highlights the accomplishments of this time through the artwork, that hen I walk into the room I immediately got so much admiration and pride of the excellence of the artists work and the glory of this time period.

Esme’s ArtXpose 2
Title of Event: Slow Looking
Date & Time of Event: Wednesday, December 4th, 1:15 pm
Location of Event: The Samek Museum
Type of event: Exhibition
This Exhibition was curated very thoughtfully and well. It was created so that viewers would be forced to take time to observe the art, not just what meets the eye, you have to immerse yourself in the art to reveal new discovery and insights. When you first walk into the exhibit it is quite overwhelming. You are met with tons of work, grouped together in sections with no obvious correlation to each other. There are a handful of loud soundtracks, each one playing a seemingly random array of juxtaposing noises. Once I sat staring at each work individually, and then together, it started to make sense. The sound helped to make the space feel more chaotic, but it made sense. I was able to find peace in the chaos, every thing I saw and heard started to change my perspective. Nothing there was random. Each noise made the others have more clarity. The vibrant colors of one piece, brought out the more subdued colors of the neighboring piece of art. Each detail became more noticeable, and suddenly my brain was able to see a theme. When you take the time to look at something you are able to feel. In a world that has become so caught up in the “fast culture” and “consumerism”, you miss out on meaningful relationships and experiences. This exhibition was a refreshing break to be able to see something exist without assumptions or labels, or without one thing being isolated from the surroundings and yet in a sterile environment as a gallery. Everything exists in the context.

Esme’s Artxpose 1

Title of Event: Driftpoints: The Gleaners by Maggie Cardelùs
Date & Time of Event: Thursday, November 14th, 5:15 pm
Location of Event: The Holmes Gallery
Type of event: Exhibition
I really enjoyed this exhibition, as I love how Maggie Cardelùs combined different traditions to show a new perspective, by using needlepoint to reinvent a famous traditional painting by Jean François de Millet. I feel that she demonstrates evolving historical perspectives and ongoing transformation of women very well by using an art form that is often made with the labor of anonymous women. She also demonstrates different perspectives by adapting this image many different times with different needlepoint techniques. What I found most interesting was that in her installation she included hanging a bag of the yarn used in the needle point, she is able to leave a physical trail of the history of her work. Cardelùs is able to make a technique identified usually with a “craft” and make it into traditional art to prove the flexibility of materials and humans to change.
Art Xpose #4
Charlotte Kenyon
Title of Event: Kress Collection
December 6, 12pm
Location: 3rd floor of ELC
For my fourth Art Xpose I got to see the displayed artwork at the Kress collection. This was a very interesting room in the Samek Museum filled with pieces of artwork, all created very long ago. I was amazed by how well the paintings held up, I only notices one with little cracks in the paint. The sculptures also held up very well, which made me wonder how they stayed that well intact. All of the pieces seemed like they were very old works of art, and the picture frames exemplified this. I really enjoyed this exhibit and was amazed by the dates of these pieces.

Animal Intelligence Ideation – Caroline Williams
Project 2 Sculpture Sketches – Caroline Williams
Radiolarian Maquette – Caroline Williams
Art X Pose
Gracyn Finn
December 6, 2024
Samek Museum
I visited the Samek Museum on the third floor of the ELC and went to The Kress Collection. I did not know what to expect and when walking into this part of the room I was really surprised by how amazing the pieces in there were. All of the pieces had a similar presence of being very old. Even the frames were very old and very detailed. When I think of modern art frames I think of slick and simple frames so I think of the detail these frames added to the art inside. I think the setup of the room makes it very appealing, how the falls are dark red with the spotlights over the pieces of art. The descriptions on the side of the art all had very old dates and I could easily tell that the art was set in that time period. In one of the pictures I took my mind quickly went to religion. The way it is shaped, the people all have halos around them, and the two girls with the angel wings all made me think of religion. Overall I enjoyed this section of the museum and how there is not an overwhelming amount of art pieces so I could really appreciate each one.

Sketch Project 2- Zachary Siegel
Zachary Siegel- Research sketches
Radiolarian Maquette
Sculpture Sketches- Isabelle Maina
Art Xpose #4
Title of Event: Kress Collection
Date and time of event: December 4 1pm
Location of Event: ELC
Type of Event: Walkthrough
This exhibition is very interesting. It is a collection of Renaissance and Medieval artwork from the Kress Foundation. I found all of the art to be fascinating. I was especially interested in the sculptures. It is really impressive how sculptures from this time period were so detailed and able to capture small details like movement and wrinkles in clothing.

Art Xpose #3- Isabelle Maina
Title of Event: Driftpoints: The Gleaners by Maggie Cardelús
Date and Time of event: December 3 at 2pm
Location of Event: Holmes Hall
Type of Event: Exhibition
I thought this exhibit was very interesting. The artwork seemed to have a lot of repetition, with each being a variation of the same/ similar piece. What set them apart was color, size, and possibly material. I liked that they were made of various woven materials, which made them 3D. This added an interesting element to the art. Although I didn’t make it to the opening event It was obvious these pieces were very meticulously made and with great attention to detail.

Animal Sketches- Isabelle Maina
Esme-self portrait sketch
Animal Intelligence Sketches
Research Response and Thesis
Charlotte Kenyon
200 word response: I watched the video linked in the google charts about Dog MRI’s. This video was about a scientist who studied the activity in a Dog’s brain that is linked to rewards. The dogs went through training to learn hand signals that meant food, which is a reward for dogs. This was a very difficult subject to study, because it meant the dogs had to be completely still in the MRI machines, which even humans sometimes struggle with. After many trials, the scientist found the area of the brain focused on reward is the caudate nucleus. In the MRI, there is no physical food present, but with the hand movement signifying food is present, the dog responds emotionally to that, activating the part of the brain relating to rewards, which is then shown on the screen of the MRI. The study found that the area of a dog’s brain that lights up for reward is the same part of the brain that is activated when humans think of rewards such as money or food. This is revealing a dog’s complex thought chain, and showing that humans did not give dogs, and other animals, enough credit for their sophisticated brains.
Thesis: Dog’s intelligence is highly underestimated by humanity, and the continuation of extensive research on dog’s brains through MRI’s use can give more information about how their brains function. Exploration of how a dog’s brain works can apprehend more insight about which parts of the brain activate during certain responses. Ultimately, humans can learn far more about animal brains and intelligence, by acknowledging their sophisticated and complex ways of thought.