Gallery @ holmes

Title of Event:  Exhibit in Holmes
Date & Time of Event: November 16th
Location of Event: Holmes rm 103
Type of event: Gallery

I really like how the mixed media is used in her work and how you can see the time and effort that she put into creating her pieces. i also thought that it was a really interesting location as the pieces catch my eye as I walk to class. the repetition of similar images was interesting as well.

Esme’s Artxpose 4

Title of Event: Friends and Stranger

Date & Time of Event: Tuesday, December 10, 1:30 pm
Location of Event: PBS ART21
Type of event: Episode

The four different artists shown in this video, all use different art to elaborate on part of their identity. Through their work they all want to gain intimacy to people. The four different artists had very different mediums, yet they all used their art to connect to a population and broaden others view as well as their own. Another part that I find quite interesting that a couple of the artists touched on is letting people misunderstand. There is a power in leaving your art up to interpretation that makes it that much more powerful instead of explaining ur reasons for creating it, you let ur work have more effect and meaning for more people because it can take so many more meanings without a label. Art is a process instead of a creation, that gives meaning to work. At is the life that you live. What I find amazing is that what all of these artists had in common, was that they had a vision and they followed through on it, it didn’t have to be this elaborate art form or idea they just used energy and excitement to create it for everyone to relate to. Art lets you bypass today and lets you think about what it means in the future, lets you belong to a place and scale visibility to social norms, being able to collaborate with others even if you make the art alone.

ArtsXpose 4- Riley Bossick

Title of Event: Slow Looking

Date & Time of Event: December 2 at 3pm

Location of Event: The Samek Museum

Type of event: Exhibition

I love the aesthetic of this exhibit. I discovered that this exhibit was a gift from a Bucknell alum, art ranging from a variety of artists. This took over 50 years for him to cultivate this and I believe he has done a great job executing this. While walking around the room, I noticed there were paper receipts hung up from him purchasing the different art pieces. I like this sort of element, as it shows a more behind the scene look into the process of purchasing art. I enjoy the diverse pieces: screen prints, paintings, drawings and so much more. I thought it was very well thought out the way the collection was presented in the Samek.  

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ArtsXpose 3- Riley Bossick

Title of Event:  The Gleaners by Maggie Cardelús

Date & Time of Event: Dec 9th at 12pm

Location of Event: Holmes 103

Type of event: Artist opening/reception

For my third artsXpose I chose to visit Maggie Cardelús’s needlepoint exhibition. After listening to her speak earlier this semester, it’s nice to see her artwork she’s been working on while staying here. I thought it was interesting that the needlepoint art pieces were quite similar, but varied by size, color and technique. I love that you can see her experimentation through her art pieces and all the dedication she puts into it as well.

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Arts Expose 4

Title of Event: Fall Dance Concert
Date & Time of Event: Friday, December 6th, 7:30 pm
Location of Event: Harvey M Powers Theatre: Coleman
Type of event: Dance Performance

I am so glad I went to this Fall Dance Concert – the dancers, choreographers, and stage design were so creative and I was truly inspired by their work. Two performances really stood out to me – the first one dancers laid their backs on the ground a projector reflected with movements on a screen. You could see the dancers lying on the ground but also what they looked like from a bird’s eye view – it was fascinating. During the middle of the performance, another screen came down and the performers played with light and shadow as some were in front of the screen and some were behind. The second dance, which is photographed very blurry below, was inspired by Degas ballerina paintings. There was a clear tension between beauty and strength displayed through the outfits, the gestures, and the music. I liked that the choreographer referenced another type of visual art through her use of Degas.

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Project 3 Research- Hannah Kosko

I began my research by broadly looking into different types of animals and how animal behaviorists, psychologists and other scientists and researchers viewed each animal’s respective intelligence level. Each animal was given a short description and it mentioned their strengths along with some common misconceptions. I narrowed it down to animals I was interested in because of their form for sculpture or because I generally liked it. I began researching raccoon’s intelligence, as I find them both cute and incredibly nimble and crafty, which led me to an American Psychology Association article on raccoon intelligence. As most people would expect, raccoons are very sneaky, craft and nimble. They have good use with their hands, however, two separate researchers running separate observations and experiments found raccoons have an intellect closer to cats due to their swiftness with solving puzzles and different problems as well as the amount of time they remember the solution for those puzzles. I wanted to research further and try to look at more animals, like cats, which were interesting but ultimately I decided to use raccoons for my projects. Despite the reputation raccoons and animals as a whole receive as lesser life forms compared to the human race, raccoons are intelligent, crafty, resilient, resourceful and agile creatures who adapt to their environment no matter what. Throughout generations of humans changing the world around them, they find steady sources of food and have adapted to survive and thrive in their conditions. 

Categorized as PROJECT 3

ArtsXpose 4- Catherine Suitor

Title of Event: Kress Collection
Date & Time of Event: Sunday December 9th 1 pm
Location of Event: Samek Art Gallery
Type of event: Art Exhibition

I thought that the exhibition was very well displayed. I particularly like a white stone sculpture of a mother and child because I thought that it was very well detailed. Especially working with a hard material like metal I think that it is very impressive that the artist could work such detail into a material like stone and make it look flawless. In addition, I thought that the environment of the room made the art work feel very grandiose.

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ArtsXpose 3- Catherine Suitor

Title of Event:  art opening/reception for Maggie Cardelús
Date & Time of Event: Thurs Nov 14 5pm
Location of Event: Holmes rm 103
Type of event: Artist opening/reception

I really enjoyed Maggie’s work. I found that all of the mixed media was very visually interesting and appealing. I like how she uses other unfinished works and turns them into her version of a finished work. I also think that the repetition of the themes and images in a lot of her works are interesting because it gives me different versions/ perspectives of one specific topic. I also loved how colorful her work was as it is very eye catching.

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Arts Xpose 4

Jack Murad

Title of Event: Kress Collection

December 8, 1pm

Location: 3rd floor of ELC

Type of Event: Walkthrough

For my final arts xpose I visited the Kress Collection in the ELC. This collection contains lots of work from hundreds of years ago. It was fascinating to see how much detail that was able to be put into all of the artwork given the lack of resources then compared to now. Specifically, the perfection displayed by the sculpture in the second picture. To create such a detailed sculpture in such a difficult material amazes me.

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Art Xpose 3

Jack Murad

Title of Event: Driftpoints: The Gleaners by Maggie Cardelús

Date and Time of event: November 15 at 4pm

Location of Event: Holmes Hall

Type of Event: Exhibition

For my third arts xpose I attended Maggie Cardelús’ needlepoint exhibition. After learning about her work during her lecture, it was interesting to be able to see it in person. Seeing pictures of her work during her presentation did not give her work the credit it deserves. There is a serious amount of effort that goes into making one of these and it is really cool to see all the different ways she approaches these pieces.

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