- Log on to the site by going to: https://sculpture1.blogs.bucknell.edu/wp-admin/
- Create a new POST by clicking at the top of the page on the “+ New” button.
- Now, in the column on the far right side of the screen, click on “document”, then on “categories”, and check one of the boxes to put your post in the right category (the category you select will determine which page of the class website your post will appear).
- In the main text field, create a title for the post that includes your own name (so we’ll know who the post belongs to).
- Add any text you’d like in the body of the post.
- To upload PHOTOS, click on the “+” button at the bottom right of the text field and select “image” for a single image, or “gallery” for multiple images.
- If you want to post a VIDEO from youtube, simply add the video’s URL to the body of the post.
- If you want to add a LINK to the body of your post, you can do so by highlighting the text you want to be linked, and click the “insert/edit link” button (to the left of the spell checker). Then add the URL destination and click the box that says “Open link in a new window/tab”.
- When you’re finished adding content, click the blue “publish” button on the right.
- A message should appear at the top of the page that says “Post published. View post”… if you click on “view post” it will show you what the post looks like on the site… at this point, if you want to make any changes, just click on the “edit” button and it will return you to prior screen. If you make any adjustments, be sure to click the blue “update” button on the right to apply your changes.
Month: August 2014
Radiolarian In Progress
The Aquatic Uncle-Katie Lewis
After reading