Project #1 – Albert Einstein

After much thought, I have finally decided to use Albert Einstein as my inspiration for our first sculpture project. You may know him as the man who discovered “e=mc^2” but he achieved far more. Albert Einstein is an eminent German-born physicist who is especially known for his theory of relativity. He is specifically near and dear to my heart due to my early childhood memories of being utterly fascinated by him. I had this huge poster of him hanging over my bed frame and before I went to sleep every night I would give the poster a little kiss. My parents thought it was rather strange but I could not stop reading his biographies. I memorized many of his famous quotes and even celebrated his birthday. I admired him so much due to the power of knowledge he held. He was not a type of person who would abuse this power but rather embrace and try to make the world a better place. An interesting thing I learned about Albert Einstein was that strangely he didn’t wear socks. He was also married to his cousin at one point which made it very apparent that it was a very different culture during his time. There are so many quirks about the character of this interesting man. He was so multidimensional and so original. He was not only intelligent but he seemed curious. He was eager and wanted to know what was out there in the world for him. Whenever I think of someone who took advantage of his growth potential, I think of Albert Einstein. I think doing a project on him would not only give me a chance to get to know him better but also create an intimate bust.

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