
For my sculptor I chose Michelangelo, one of the most famous of all time. I selected Michelangelo because of his historical significance and the fact that he is one of the most recognizable names from the Renaissance period. I admire Michelangelo because he was the architect and sculptor for some of the most timeless and significant pieces of art of all time, such as St. Peter’s Basilica and The David. Another reason why Michelangelo is such an interesting person is because although the Catholic Church’s commissions made him rich, he lived like a poor person, dressing in rags and generally avoiding the lavish lifestyle. He was by nature a solitary person and even described as depressed person. I think his attitude is displayed in some of his works, and I believe his principle to avoid fame and riches contributed to his success as an artist. His most recognizable piece is The David, a biblical sculpture of the brief moments before David slayed Goliath with a rock. Other pieces that are famous by him are the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the construction of St. Peter’s Basilica. An interesting fact about Michelangelo is that he fell in love with a poet and a widow named Vittoria Colonna. He said before his death that his sole regret is life was that he “did not kiss the widow’s face in the same manner that he had her hand”. Michelangelo died at the age of 88, which was an incredibly old age during the 16th century. If I could imitate one aspect of Michelangelo’s sculpture, it would be to choose a popular figure from the bible, or history, and capture their facial expression before a major historical moment. One of the most amazing parts of The David is the expression on his face just seconds before he famously slays the Philistinian giant. images

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