My everyday item was my set of headphones. They provide us with the ability to listen to various types of media and entertainment. Whether it be the creative works of a favorite musical artist, the score to a movie or even hearing the voice of a friend on the other side of their computer screen; these listening devices are an important part of today’s world. They come in all sorts of colors, makes, styles and sizes. These “ear-muff” styled headphones are made from plastic, rubber, some metal and wiring. And yet, different as they may be in appearance and style, they all have the same sort of value. When I use these to listen to some of my favorite music, it can help to put me in a good mood that can carry the whole way throughout my day. They can allow me to remember a friend’s voice over a video call who I haven’t heard from in a while. They way that these connect us with today’s fast-paced world around us is an invaluable quality that I think can prove to be important to everyone.