Sound Wave (2007)

Immediate Response After scouring books for interesting and appealing contemporary sculptures, I came across this piece by Jean Shin, a female Korean artist who is known for making sculptures out of recycled materials.  What struck me at first was the size of the sculpture and the blackness of the piece.  At first, I didn’t even… Continue reading Sound Wave (2007)

Sound Wave (2007)

Immediate Response After scouring books for interesting and appealing contemporary sculptures, I came across this piece by Jean Shin, a female Korean artist who is known for making sculptures out of recycled materials. What struck me at first was the size of the sculpture and the blackness of the piece. At first, I didn’t even… Continue reading Sound Wave (2007)


For my sculptor I chose Michelangelo, one of the most famous of all time. I selected Michelangelo because of his historical significance and the fact that he is one of the most recognizable names from the Renaissance period. I admire Michelangelo because he was the architect and sculptor for some of the most timeless and… Continue reading Michelangelo

Tommy Allen

After reading Aquatic Uncle, I noticed a continuous metaphor throughout the story. The metaphor was about social order, comfort zone, and environment. The literal story is about amphibious family and loved ones that come from different places: out of the water, and under the water. This is a metaphor for people who aren’t all too… Continue reading Tommy Allen