Personal Experience

I don’t so much have a single experience as I do a set of smaller experience that have informed my identity over course of my life. I’ve found that a large portion of identity in this modern era is influenced by the things we consume. We bond with friends and form new friendships around the tv shows that we watch, the clothes we buy, and the music we listen to. It’s easy to spend most of your time passively consuming media and products and being shaped by what we take in. However, I have always strove taken these things and been inspired to not just consume, but digest and transform them, and create my own content in turn. This has lead to a lifelong journey of dabbling in different art forms, thinking critically about the things I see, and imagining new things based on what I observe around me. Specifically, this summer, I started listening to some podcasts that really inspired me to take time to create unashamedly and be more intentional about the way I consume popular culture.

television, audio, creation, drawing, passivity, food, eyes, transformation, reflection, inspiration

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