Tommy Allen

After reading Aquatic Uncle, I noticed a continuous metaphor throughout the story. The metaphor was about social order, comfort zone, and environment. The literal story is about amphibious family and loved ones that come from different places: out of the water, and under the water. This is a metaphor for people who aren’t all too different but come from different places, whether that is geographically, economically, or socially. Some people in the world aren’t accepting of something different, and this is shown in the essay Qfwfq says, “It wasn’t possible to make him accept a reality different from his own”. This sums up some ignorance in the world about doing or trying things outside of what one is used to. Whether that be travelling, accepting new cultures, trying odd food, or in the case of the story, living above water. There were also multiple themes I picked up on in the story such as family, independence, and environmental acceptance. In the end, it was surprising to see the Uncle and Lll ending up together. This shows that some people/amphibians are more accepting of different cultures, environments, and social orders than others.

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