Carter alvord- Poteous

I really enjoyed the documentary because the narrator talked about both science and art. Immediately, I began to think about a voyager, Christopher Columbus, who sketched many of his findings down in his personal journal. As he traveled to North America, he would sketch birds, rocks, shells, and almost any new species which he had not seen before. While his drawings purpose were for scientific purposes, I would still describe them as pieces of art. Without skillfully depicting and drawing each animal and organism adroitly, it would be hard for others to comprehend what the animals purpose was. Furthermore, I found Haeckel’s life story to be extremely intriguing. His battle between matter and religion was quite interesting. Moreover, I found the narrators description of society’s perception of sciences, and how Haeckel changed peoples perception of the world, and, in specific, water to be fascinating. Overall, I found the documentary exceedingly alluring and I enjoyed learning about how Haeckel used art to bring his scientific discoveries to life. 

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