Carter alvord- Poteous

I really enjoyed the documentary because the narrator talked about both science and art. Immediately, I began to think about a voyager, Christopher Columbus, who sketched many of his findings down in his personal journal. As he traveled to North America, he would sketch birds, rocks, shells, and almost any new species which he had… Continue reading Carter alvord- Poteous

To Twine, Janine Antoni

To Twine by Janine Antoni Immediate Response:               When I first saw the sculpture to twine by Janine Antoni it was hard not to notice the complexity of the two spines woven together but together with the simplicity of the wall behind it and the setting it is on.  When seeing the piece, it made… Continue reading To Twine, Janine Antoni

Nolan Springer

The film on radiolarians and Ernst Haeckel was very interesting. I enjoyed it and even learned some pretty cool facts. Radiolarians are part of the oceanic plankton. They are also over 500 million years old. Some cool things I found out about Haeckel’s work is that he had the theory way before Darwin that man… Continue reading Nolan Springer