Qian Qian Mei – Project 5, Nature Sculpture

This piece is called simply “Tree”, resembling a Christmas tree. I know we haven’t even reached Thanksgiving yet, but the joy and excitement surrounding the holidays is beginning and I can not wait until December. I also strongly believe that Christmas music is acceptable any time of the year and that Justin Bieber’s Christmas album… Continue reading Qian Qian Mei – Project 5, Nature Sculpture

Project 5 – Benjamin Mohan

Nature Sculpture I named this sculpture, “Circle of Life” because to make this new sculpture’s form, I took away from what was already dead. I cut up a dying tree into smaller logs, which then created a circle ranging from tallest to shortest. Next, I found dying flowers around my house which allowed me to… Continue reading Project 5 – Benjamin Mohan

Project 5- Olivia Witzmann

My nature sculpture is called “Change”. It reflects the seasonal change we are experiencing right now. I went outside and gather many fall leaves and twigs. I then wrapped all the twigs together to form a little nest for the ring of leaves and the ball of twine in the middle. I selected a leaf… Continue reading Project 5- Olivia Witzmann

Project 5: Yuheng Li

This piece is called bury leaves. And the reason why I made such a nature sculpture is yesterday I went outside, I found that the leaves have all fallen off the tree and the leaves become dry yellow. And the outside is very cold. So, I want to burg this dried leave and let it… Continue reading Project 5: Yuheng Li

Project 4 – Yuheng Li

Love aircraft computer hardware bubble tea parents dog dark night sea driving video games sleep Hate mice cold hunger exam homework dirt police snake ginger hairs on the floor Fear speak in front of pubic mice sleep alone after watching horror movie I cannot find a job to hear about my every semester’s GPA singing… Continue reading Project 4 – Yuheng Li

Alone – Henry Qiu

I [love, hate, fear] being alone. Also give my art socials some love <3: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJ98gyQQ/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZnAlsFajR/?igshid=16xq6evz30pf1