“What is it like to be a bat?” by Thomas Nagel; Amy Patterson

When thinking about the complex idea of consciousness in animals, Nagel focuses on bats. Bats ‘see’ and ‘hear’ in a completely different way than we do, although both populations have evolved very sophisticated perceptive mechanisms over time to suit their needs. Regardless of the this similar complexity, we, as humans, have no sense that is… Continue reading “What is it like to be a bat?” by Thomas Nagel; Amy Patterson

Animal Intelligence project reference

 Examples of small-scale wax projects created by students in Sculpture 1.  Notice the high level of detail and precision.  To achieve results of this quality it’s important to work from good visual references and apply meticulous attention over an extended period of time.     Ai Weiwei – “Zodiac Heads”: http://www.zodiacheads.com/about_exhibit_bronze.html   Beth Cavener-Stichter.  Notice the expressiveness of the… Continue reading Animal Intelligence project reference

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