Project #1 – Albert Einstein

After much thought, I have finally decided to use Albert Einstein as my inspiration for our first sculpture project. You may know him as the man who discovered “e=mc^2” but he achieved far more. Albert Einstein is an eminent German-born physicist who is especially known for his theory of relativity. He is specifically near and… Continue reading Project #1 – Albert Einstein

Project One- Jenna Walpole

I decided to study John F. Kennedy, a politician and the 35th president of the United States of America. I chose Kennedy because he himself is a brand and was more of a public figure compared to the presidents before him.  I admire President Kennedy because he is  the youngest president to enter the white… Continue reading Project One- Jenna Walpole

Planes of the Head

  Google image search for planes of the head:

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“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”   –Henry Miller  

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