Art Report 2 – Steven Fabiano

Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset, Cream 3: contemporary art in culture (pg 129)   Immediate Response My immediate response to this piece is a feeling of excitement and chaos. It kind of made me smile and immediately caught my eye, because it’s always cool to see things separated into its building blocks. Seeing the jagged pieces… Continue reading Art Report 2 – Steven Fabiano

Casey Dunne

I have chosen to sculpt the bust of Cleopatra. She has always interested me because of her beauty and mystique. I love the eroticism of her facial features and the story behind her. Not only was she one of the most powerful women in the world, but also one of the first. I really admire… Continue reading Casey Dunne

Alexandra Lamancusa: The 14th Dalai Lama- Tenzin Gyatso (previously Lhamo Dondrub)

I selected the 14th Dalai Lama because I am moved by his philosophies on kindness and by his life story.  I happened to meet him last summer in D.C. while he was blessing the Potomac River, so I also have a personal connection to him. I admire his ability to address all people regardless of… Continue reading Alexandra Lamancusa: The 14th Dalai Lama- Tenzin Gyatso (previously Lhamo Dondrub)

Kim Nagotko – Project 2 Writing Assignment: Elvis Presley

For the Must Bust project, I choose Elvis Presley. I selected him because he is a true legend in the world of rock and roll. His songs are timeless along with his impact of society. I believe he is a beautiful man with a stunning voice and inspiring life. I admire Elvis Presley deeply. I… Continue reading Kim Nagotko – Project 2 Writing Assignment: Elvis Presley

Alana Jajko

John Milton was an English poet, who wrote throughout the 1600s during a time of religious change and political disruption.  Due to these issues, much of his poetry and prose reflects deep personal convictions, a passion for freedom and self-determination, and the urgent issues and political turbulence of his day.  His epic poem, Paradise Lost,… Continue reading Alana Jajko

Eric Schroeder

  For my project, I would like to create a bust of the singer-songwriter Johnny Cash. Cash is best known for his music that spans the genres of country, rock ‘n roll, and gospel and his imposing, deadpan baritone voice. His songwriting ability has allowed him make music that is story-based, humorous, emotionally moving, dark-themed,… Continue reading Eric Schroeder

Ray Schlitt

The historical figure I chose to make a bust of is Mike Tyson. He is still living, but I believe his legacy will live on well after he is gone. I chose Tyson because I like his boxing style, and also because I have heard about his personal troubles since I was a child. I… Continue reading Ray Schlitt

“A Place of Sun” Inspired by the BP oil catastrophe, this new work – a collaboration with artist Benjamin Heller, marries the visual and physical arts – sculpture and dance – to investigate entering and exiting space — adaptation and transformation — to show the resilience of both human and nonhuman nature in environments during the act of discovery/recovery –… Continue reading “A Place of Sun”

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