Writing Assignment – due Sept. 27

To prepare for Dustyn Martincich’s workshop with our class, watch the videos below (You’ll need to scroll down a bit for Johnson’s video) and address the following questions in a one or two paragraph response. According to Steven Johnson, where do good ideas and innovation come from? How does Wayne McGregor describe the process of… Continue reading Writing Assignment – due Sept. 27

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Gehard Demetz


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After burning to the ground, the “Touchdown Jesus” sculpture is rebuilt as “Hug Me Jesus”

The story behind these two sculptures, and their dynamic with the public, and the rationales behind depicting Jesus in one form and then another is as thought provoking as any work of academic conceptual sculpture.  What does the church achieve by creating such a spectacle in a location visible from a busy highway?  What are… Continue reading After burning to the ground, the “Touchdown Jesus” sculpture is rebuilt as “Hug Me Jesus”

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The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World

Take the subway to an otherwise undistinguished part of Third Avenue in Brooklyn. Knock on the door. Wait for some stylishly disheveled young man to open it and let you in. You’ve arrived at the BotCave—the place where 125 factory workers are creating the future of manufacturing. The BotCave is home to MakerBot, a company… Continue reading The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World

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Why Art Matters

by Anthony Bond OAM I strongly believe that art can sometimes change the way we look at the world. It is all too easy to ridicule the preposterous claims often made for art in catalogue essays , however I reject the view that art merely excites aesthetic pleasure and should attempt nothing else. I have… Continue reading Why Art Matters

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