New: Art Careers Website

This website is a collection of career-building resources for studio art students, covering topics like: Finding art-related internships and employment. The artist’s tools for self promotion: creating websites with WordPress, and using Mailchimp and Facebook for PR. Applying to MFA programs for studio art: considerations to make when selecting schools, instructions for preparing strong applications,… Continue reading New: Art Careers Website

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The truth about creativity

Jonah Lehrer talks about why brainstorming doesn’t work and why artists need to cultivate grit By Bill Tipper, Barnes & Noble Review Why did Bob Dylan compose the classic “Like a Rolling Stone” only after he had become so disgusted with his own music that he was planning to quit the business permanently? How did… Continue reading The truth about creativity

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Jennifer McCallen- Artsxpose

Title of the Event: Hilltop Film Series- The Navigator Date and Time of the Event: Friday, March 2. 7:30-10pm Location of Event: 301 Gallery Theatre Type of Event: Film